Saturday, February 28, 2009

You know you're pregnant when...

So I went out to lunch with Troy, Chris and PJ the other day. At the end of our lunch someone from the heparin pump company called me on my cell. Troy and the kids got up as we were getting ready to leave the restaurant. I'm there, talking on the phone, gathering all of my stuff to put back in my purse and I'm searching crazily for... MY CELL PHONE!

Can I just say that I totally feel like my mom now?

2 friends said...:

Ros said...

LMAO that's great!

Ashley said...

See, that's pretty normal for me. One of my particular talents is losing my car, my cell phone, and my glasses.

Now, my inability to do basic math makes like REALLY fun. I'm just glad that I'm not the one responsible for paying all our bills.


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