Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A worthy cause...?

So I have a friend who has been going through breast cancer treatment. She is one of the strongest people I know, puts up with more shit than a lot of people, and still has a stellar attitude. E, you rock! :-D Anyhow, I get this email from her on one of my lists:

"So, I will admit that I didn't feel much like taking part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month last October. I did notice that this year was more heavily marketed. I saw vacuum cleaners in pink.. paper towels... cereal.. It was the plethora of pink boxes in aisle nine of the grocery store that made my daughter look at me and ask if I was going to die or what my odds were.

When I first heard of the "Think before you pink" movement, I shrugged it off as a bunch of crab-asses who want to poo-poo a worthy cause. I have taken sometime think about it and I am afraid that Breast Cancer Barbie pushed me over the edge. I realize that it is now December but perhaps you can keep this in mind next year as you make your shopping selection. If you really want to help in breast cancer research and awareness, write a tax deductable check next year.

Mattell's Breast Cancer Barbie is over the top. Susan G Komen's foundation must have completely been off their rocker to partner up with them. I am lucky. I get to keep my breast. Many women do not have that choice and to have perfect body Barbie sold at a premium (This Breast Cancer Barbie is a premium 25 dollar Barbie.. not one of the 15 dollar Barbies...) They are donating a whopping 2.50 for each Breast Cancer Barbie sold. Yep. This means that they get a nice profit for "supporting Breast Cancer Research". They are guaranteeing 25000. A whole 25K which is tax deductable from Mattel. If they wanted to support a worthy cause, then why not just write a check? Why buy a big titted perfect body doll? The only thing she has in common with women with mastectomies is that they both don't have nipples. See here for how some view Breast Cancer Barbie:

To show how silly this is... they want to know why Prostrate Ken isn't out?

For more on why you should think before you pink:


I am not crabby.. really... but these companies are trying to increase
profits before they are really trying to raise money. Think on it for next October. :-)"

I have thought about much so that I wrote back a response to the list. Here it is:

"I already don't buy anything when it is sold as "part of our profits go to so-and-so". Why should a huge company get a huge tax deduction off of my already-been-taxed money?

I hate it when companies do that... This morning I was yelling at the local news channel (Q13/FOX) because of their annual Children's Holiday Campaign. I'm for most things "children" related, but why should I donate money that they'll match up to 50% when they'll then turn around and get the entire 150% written off? That's not fair. Can we say easy way to make money off of other people's kindness?

I realize how cynical I've gotten. I don't buy Girl Scout Cookies because the troop gets all of 40 cents from the $4 box. In fact, we've completely dropped Girl Scouts in this household, even though I'm a lifetime member. I'd rather write a check to my local troop and not get a tax break from it than to make the girls stand outside in an electrical storm again, or the snowstorms either (much less freeze my considerable ass off because I'm the only parent who will supervise the girls).

I noticed the other day that a car dealer here is advertising that if you buy a new car from them they'll take your $3000 rebate and donate it to the local food bank. No thanks, I'd rather have my rebate...! Not that I begrudge the people who need the food, but seriously I'd rather take my $3000 and donate it myself, to my favorite charity...does Starbucks count?

I guess not. :("

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