Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 ends

It's been an interesting year. The kids all went to public school in September. We moved everyone from the room they were in to a different room in the house. Chris started his senior year and enrolled in college. Troy's company told us they wanted us to move to NH, then they told us that they may be closing the NH office. Except for a couple of colds, PJ has been extremely healthy. Kaycee became an allergy sufferer. Tani started a new high school. Shayna entered kindergarten. We looked at possibly selling our house and moving closer to family. We decided against it because of the repairs needed.

It's been a busy year. I'm obviously not listing everything...I'm not the "long, dragging on, Christmas letter" type. I'll just say, "It's been interesting!"

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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