Friday, January 23, 2009

Foiled again

So seriously, why does every medical professional think that having T1 diabetes makes you some sort of high risk patient when you're pregnant? Ugh!

I went to the new clinic that I talked about in a previous blog entry. During the intake appointment everything was going fine, until the intake nurse asked what provider there I would like. I told her that I wanted a midwife, that I planned on having a waterbirth and that's why I was there. I let her know that one of my MDC friends told me about her rotation there and that they have great waterbirthing facilities. I guess that's when she checked my chart and realized that I'm a T1.

Her response, "Oh you're a T1... we don't allow people with T1 to have waterbirths." Um, what??? I explained that the friend of mine had told me that being a T1 wouldn't risk me out of having a waterbirth with them and that I would love the care I receive with these midwives/OBs. She was very adamant that I must be mistaken and that no diabetic had ever had been allowed a waterbirth. They've been allowed to labor in the water but *must* get out to birth.

I am sadly discouraged now. I think it's now time to take a serious look at unassisted homebirth. I can go and get my OB and perinatologist care, but just have the baby at home. My labors are so easy and fast, so unless there's anything showing on a test from the peri, I may just try to coax the baby out around 39 weeks... I don't think Troy will have a problem with trying the "natural induction methods" like, um, sex and nipple stimulation...! After the baby is born, I'd probably have Troy drive us to the hospital just to get checked out. Sometimes babies of diabetics have low blood sugars, I can check that at home, but I think I'd feel comfortable with having a doc check us out. That would also make it easier to get a birth certificate and social security card. :p

Why can't doctors stay out of the birthing process? Maybe I should fight the OBs on waterbirthing, making it easier for T1s to do so if they want. I dunno...

1 friends said...:

Ros said...

That's sad - I was all excited for you having a water birth :(


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