Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another insulin pump journey

Okay, so I haven't talked about it a lot in this blog. I've been losing weight. I joined a gym. I'm getting healthy after an entire year of inactivity... The one thing that I can't figure out is why my bgs drop like hotcakes while I'm exercising. I've turned my pump down with temp. basals, up to two hours ahead of time, still no luck. I've started just eating one or two Nature Valley Granola Bars, in the peanut butter flavor, on the drive to the gym...without bolusing. That seems to keep me pretty well for my sessions at the gym. I still drop, like crazy, but it's not 911-worthy.

The other day I went to the gym, had only one granola bar, ended up at 37mg/dL after only 20 minutes on a bike... now I started at 113, which is lower than I'd like to start exercising at, but it was better than nothing.

Because of this new phenomena I'm having, my doctor said she'd do whatever she could do get me on a CGMS. We immediately contacted Medtronic to inquire about the Paradigm system. They gathered my insurance info and three days later (okay 5 days because of the weekend), they called and said I was approved. They went over the payment schedule (since my stupid insurance changed last year and they cap DME at $2500 per year...eek!), and today I emailed all the forms back with Troy's (he's the primary insurance holder) and my signatures. The insurance person at Medtronic emailed me back saying that he just needed the script back from my doctor. Unfortunately that news was emailed to me after 5 this evening, so I emailed my doctor to ask if she'd faxed it back to them. I'm waiting to hear, but she's usually not in the office on Thursdays, so we'll see if I get a response before Friday...

So, a new pump to learn... and a CGMS to learn... I'm really hoping that I'm not stupid! :D

1 friends said...:

Christine said...


I really hope Cozmo gets hooked up with some sort of CGMS system soon though.

So your insurance approved you for the pump and CGMS?

I had horrible luck with the CGMS. I hope your's is better.


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