Monday, January 14, 2008

Today is my birthday

Isn't it funny how as you age you don't look forward to your birthday anymore? As much as I've told my kids to just forget that today is my birthday, I really would have liked at least one of them to remember that it is... The one time they listen to me. :)

My dad called me. He doesn't like people who drive and talk on their cell phones. He was driving when he called me. Silly guy...

My husband wished me a happy birthday and he got me a mocha and lunch. :D He got himself a mocha and lunch too... Good thing it's his birthday as well, otherwise I might feel cheated! Not. :D

I'm really testing to see when/if the kids remember my birthday. By the time they go to bed they had better say happy birthday to me or else they are scrubbing the toilets. :D

2 friends said...:

Jessica said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Did the kids ever remember? ;)

Keezheekoni said...

Um, no. They remembered the next day though...

Gotta love kids! I wonder what they'd do if I forgot *their* birthdays...?


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