Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can I be called an addict still?

It's been 4 days since I've had a mocha frap from Starbucks. I don't really miss them. How bizarre. I never thought I'd go more than a day without a mocha. Those were my passion, I couldn't go without them. My mom would be so proud. :)

Today is report card day in the Kent School District. This means that the kids get the day off so that the teachers can work all day on report cards. I just don't get this... I mean they have online grading, so you can go in and see what grades your child is getting throughout the semester, which means that the teachers pretty well keep up with their grade books. So, why do they need a whole day to do report cards? Some things just confound me.

It's a cold day in Washington today. It's snowing in the mountains, luckily not here in the valley areas. It's still cold though. 38 degrees today. I'd really like to have central heat in my house, unfortunately almost no one has central heat, unless you put it in yourself. We've got electric baseboard heat. People think that's so great because it costs less. I find that to be untrue. Our power bills during the winter are insane. I'm sitting next to a heater right now and I'm freezing. I hate Washington. Okay, I don't hate Washington, but I do hate the weather here. I guess I'll always be a California girl. I like warm, temperate weather. Not too cold, not too hot. If I could find somewhere that was 70 degrees year round, I'd be in Heaven!

Back to my addiction... I don't know if it's from not having mochas for the last four days or now, but my blood glucose has been so even and steady it's scary! On the new "lifestyle" I'm eating fruits and veggies, some complex carbs, etc. and wow my bgs are super! I'm waking up in the 70s and usually don't waver by more than 30 points in a day. I have had a few lows...54 yesterday. Ugh. I was so tired after that. I'm still trying to learn bolusing splits with the new foods. Seems to be around 27% up front and the rest over an hour or two, depending on what it is. An hour seems to be the best. I'm going to have to basal test though, since I am dropping overnight. I just don't like staying up all night for basal testing. :) Who does, really?

I'm thinking of taking the little girls to the "Bouncy Place" today. Their school's PTA is sponsoring the get together. Only 125 kids will be let in, so we may have to get there early. We'll see. It starts at 4:30 this afternoon and goes for a bit under 2 hours. They'll have a blast... I told Kaycee I wouldn't take her if she didn't help clean the front room. Nothing's been done in there yet, so I may end up going back on what I said and taking them anyway. I guess it will depend on how I feel around that time. :)

I lead quite a boring life, don't I?

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