Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I have started to feel better. My lungs aren't attacking me nearly as much as a month ago. My doctor took me off of Atenolol, which is a beta-blocker, because the pulmonologist looked back over my history and decided that maybe, just maybe, the Atenolol was causing my shortness of breath. So, I decided to look into it. Did you know that Atenolol has a sulfa-derivative in it? Not many people do...nor do many doctors. Oh, and Cipro, that has sulfa too. By the way, I'm allergic to sulfa drugs. How nice. So I've been slowly poisoned for a year. Neat-o. Thanks.

Now, because of my year of inactivity, I've gained weight. A lot of weight. Not that I was skinny before last year, but I've never gained this much weight in a year, unless I was pregnant! I can't do a lot of exercise yet, as my lungs are still scarred, but I can reduce my intake, that's for sure.

I joined Weight Watchers. Troy joined with me. Our weigh-in/meeting day is Sunday. We allowed ourselves to eat whatever we wanted on Sunday, but we counted everything. Monday turned into a similar thing, though we tried being as low in Points as possible. For the week I'm -16 Flex points. Hey, I got really hungry after combing out Tani's hair for 8 hours... I did do pretty well yesterday though. Troy and I went to Denny's for lunch. I had a chef's salad and a bowl of veggie beef soup. Total Points for that was 14. I ate the soup first, with a couple of saltines crumbled and mixed in. When the salad came I dug in with gusto. I normally hate salads. I have to say, this was a really good salad. I didn't eat all of it, so was able to take the rest home and have it during a "resting" break while combing out Tani.

Today has been difficult. I've so far had 7 Points worth of food. 2 Lean Pockets (3 Points each), a WW Yogurt (1 Point), and an apple (1 Point). I had Troy buy some low-fat tortillas, ham, turkey, and fat free cream cheese when he was at the store today. I also had him get some salad makings and some fruit. It's weird going from excessively processed, overly messed with foods to raw, make-your-own foods. I'm lazy, I don't want to cook. This is going to be a struggle!

By the way, Weight Watchers is in no way low-carb. I thought that they might have some skew on the whole "low-carb" fad. Nope. Which makes my life doubly hard, since I have to count *all* carbs and input them into my insulin pump. This is also not helpful because a lot of the low fat items are really carb heavy. A normal diabetic should have about half of their insulin come from basal and the other half from bolus. So far, I'm changing to 1/3 to 2/3. Which doesn't help me in losing weight well, since insulin supposedly makes you gain weight. Ugh.

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