Wednesday, October 24, 2007

As I said in my last post, I volunteered at the little kids' school today. I got up, got ready, got the kids all up (Chris and Tani slept through their alarms again...), sent Troy to get me a mocha, and left soon after he got back from Starbucks. Since I had to go to the big kids' school today as well, it was okay that I had to drive them, but I'd rather they be responsible and get themselves up and out of the house! So, after filling out the order form and handing money to Chris for his graduation cap and gown and announcements order, I headed down to the little girls' school...

My job was rather simple: fill out teacher picture cards and hand them to the teachers. Easy peasy... However I was sitting at a lunch table in an elementary school. Little people, little furniture. By the end of my shift, my rear was asleep, my legs wouldn't hold me upright, my back was on fire, and I had a mild headache. However, it was a lot of fun meeting other parent volunteers, seeing all the absolutely adorable itty-bitty kindergarteners...oh what a treat! Want to have some fun? Go to your child's elementary school and put a sixth grader next to a's hysterical to see what six years will do! Even better, a second grader next to that sixth grader...look at how the teeth from the second grader will eventually fit into the head of the sixth grader.

Anyway, came back from my shift and was exhausted. Who knew that just sitting there, keeping things organized would be hard work? It was fun. :)

Of course, then I get a call from my son... apparently he couldn't figure out where he was supposed to turn in his order. In his 5th period class he finally asked where he was supposed to have turned it in. Apparently he didn't think of asking while lunch was still happening, since that would be too smart. Ugh. Children. So now I have to call up the Josten's rep and see if I can mail in the order. Yay me!

Looking around my room, I've decided that it needs to be cleaned. If I'm up to it tomorrow, that'll be my project for the day.

2 friends said...:

kari and kijsa said...

Every day seems to end in our homes with-" guess we will clean that up tomorrow!"
Life with kids is incredibly rewarding, but the mess made in the process.....!

kari & kijsa

kitter said...

sounds like a busy day Rikki... but aren't you always, with all those kids?

love ya.


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