Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quin's 4 week update

Quin is 4 weeks-old tomorrow, so I thought I'd do a little update while he's napping.

In his first two weeks of life he lost a little more weight than was expected, but with lots of skin-to-skin time and on-demand nursing, he's gained back a bit and is growing. His weight check today showed him to be 6#2oz., which is just 8oz. shy of his birth weight. His ped was pleased, said no supplements were necessary still, so all is good.

He's grown 2 inches since birth and has also grown his brain...I don't remember the circumference, but I do remember it was in the 60th %ile.

Yesterday I thought I was going to go crazy a bit. He nursed pretty much the entire 24 hours of the day. Now I'm seeing why. Today he's napping a lot, nursing efficiently while awake...duh, he's having a growth spurt. I forgot about babies doing that!

He's still in newborn sized clothes, but this is something that's typical for my kids. They pretty much stay true-to-size for clothing/age.

I guess that's about it!


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