Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The cat is out of the bag...

Troy and I let our families know at Christmastime that we are expecting baby #6. The reception from my mother was less-than-enthusiastic, but gotta love my mother-in-law since you could hear her congratulations all the way from Denver!

Today I am 15 weeks and 2 days along. Due by my count on June 21st. The ultrasound at 6 weeks showed an EDD of June 26th. I'm counting by my date, but going with their EDD since that gives me a few extra days before the dreaded word "induction" passes my OB's lips. :) I've already seen a perinatologist to make sure that having diabetes isn't affecting this pregnancy (it's not, my A1c is stellar), and for an early ultrasound to determine the nuchal transparancy for an early risk assessment of Down's syndrome (NT was 1.3mm, so exactly perfect), and also to find out if being "advanced maternal age" is going to be a problem (it seems not to be). I have to say, I really wish that I could just transfer care to the perinatologist...he's awesome! He is going to tell my OB not to induce before 40 weeks, since he sees no problem with going to term, though he's leery of going over 40 weeks because of the possible placental degradation in T1 diabetics. So yay! Here's the most recent 12 week pic of the baby:

In other news, Tani switched to an Academy school, where the instruction is more catered toward the individual student and their success. For her this means a more focused artistic slant to her education, they bring in mentors to help the kids in their chosen profession, as well as help them with scholarship applications for the colleges they want to attend.

Chris is starting his first term of college next week, so it should be nice with him actually doing something for awhile. :) Kaycee and Shayna are already ready to go back to school... PJ is PJ. She loves to hang out with us all day.

I have an OB appointment later this morning, so I'll update after I get home. :)

4 friends said...:

.:| Melissa.Mizladytaz |:. said...

OMG! WOW!! Congratulations, Rikki!!!
But girl, I don't envy you ONE bit! LOL I do look at it this way ... This child is MEANT to be born!! It's God's Will!

Keezheekoni said...

Thanks, Lissa!

Ros said...


Can you hear the congratulations all the way from Sydney? I hope so!!

Keezheekoni said...

Thanks, Ros! If I strain really hard I hear your sunshine... does that count? :D


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