Tuesday, January 1, 2008

...and the results are in

So back at the beginning of December, I posted about the consequences of taking a D break, saying that I was going to ask my doctor to order an A1c. I did just that...asked. Then, I put it off...for quite awhile. Instead of just fasting that night and going in the next morning, no I decided to wait a little bit. See if I could fake my A1c into a good number. Note to self: this concept does not work. Well, it may work a bit, but I don't think the A1c test at my doctor's office weighs the previous 12 weeks differently than anyone else's A1c test.

So I finally bit the bullet and fasted (I actually had to get my lipid panel done as well, since you may be scratching your head as to why I needed to fast for an A1c), and went in last Friday for the blood draw. She emailed me my results today.

6.3! How did I manage that? No, I'm not in the 5s, but I'll take low 6s to be sure. Honestly I was expecting near 8 or 9 with as many highs as I've been having. And come on, I mean this was after our Christmas feast...just 3 days after.

My meter had no where near that average. I think it's time to get a new meter. Or maybe my doctor needs to get a new A1c machine... Until then, I'll work a little harder at testing and matching my boluses.

1 friends said...:

Christine said...

Great work!


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